Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health in Pennsylvania
March 10th 9:30am-11:00am
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Join us in welcoming Brandy Fox, LCSW, IECMH-E®, Director of Cross Sector Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Initiatives at the Pennsylvania Key.
Brandy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who received her Master of Social Work degree from Temple University (2005), a post-graduate certificate in Autism Studies from Penn State (2008), and Chatham University’s Infant Mental Health Certificate (2011). Brandy has achieved both Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Endorsement® as a Policy Mentor. Brandy is the Director of Cross-Sector IECMH Initiatives for the Pennsylvania Key, where she bridges the policy and programmatic work of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning and the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, under the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. This work includes the implementation of statewide IECMH consultation services. She is currently the board President of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health, a global organization. All her roles, both paid and volunteer, are focused on promoting cross-sector collaborations and strategies on infant and early childhood mental health policy and practice.